Visitors may remove their masks if they wish to also they may choose to keep their masks on at all times and this choice will be respected by others in the NLCS Jeju community.
Please DO NOT enter the School if you have symptoms of COVID-19 i.e a fever, a cough, loss of sense of taste or smell, or shortness of breath.
– Only SAT® staff and students can be in the building during testing.
– Check for test centre closings at
– Make sure your appearance matches your photo ID and the registration photo you provided
Bring these items: 1. An acceptable, fully charged testing device with Bluebook™ already downloaded and exam setup completed. / 2. Admission ticket (accessed in Bluebook, after exam setup) / 3. Acceptable photo ID / 4. A pen or pencil for scratch work (scratch paper will be provided) / 5. An acceptable calculator (if you prefer using a handheld calculator to using the embedded calculator in Bluebook) / 6. A power cord and/or a portable charger / 7. Mask or face covering (just in case it’s required)
Don’t bring these items: 1. Smartwatch / 2. Bluetooth devices (such as wireless earbuds/headphones) / 3. Wearable technology such as a fitness tracker / 4. Detachable privacy screen
[SAT Security Gate Timings]
- 7:30 am – Centre doors open – Only SAT candidates can enter; parents/guardians need to stay off the school grounds.
- 8:00 am – Centre doors close – candidates cannot enter the school grounds after this time.
- 11:00 am – Approx – Testing finishes, and candidates will be escorted to school gates.
[SAT Students LINE]
If you have a question regarding SAT registration or withdrawal, please contact the College Board through the following contact details.
College Board – Student’s Line – INTL
Email: SAT@info.collegeboard.
Phone: 1-212-713-7789 (international)
1-866-756-7346 (toll-free)