ONLJ 동문회원 소개

졸업한 뒤에도 학교와 계속 연락을 취하며 안부와 소식을 전하는 ONLJ 모두가 참으로 자랑스럽습니다.

ONLJ(Old North Londoners of Jeju)는 누구보다 적극적이고 서로를 격려하는 졸업생 공동체입니다.

학교는 여러분의 소식을 언제나 기다립니다.

본인의 최근 소식과 이야기를 들려주고 싶은 졸업생은 언제든지 동문협력관 Ms. Shin 선생님(께 이메일 부탁드립니다.

개별 동문 소식은 아래 프로필 링크를 통해 확인 가능합니다.



I could go on and on about memories I will cherish for life. It’s too hard to pick one favourite moment at NLCS Jeju.

Soojin, Class of 2023 (Medicine – Soonchunhyang University)

I believe that NLCS Jeju stands out as a school committed to fostering a truly tight-knit and supportive community.

Jinhwa, Class of 2018 (Regional and Comparative Studies – Georgetown University)

I can’t help but cherish my years at NLCS Jeju. Rather than recount specific moments, I’d like to highlight the wealth of opportunities the incision presented for a well-rounded education.

Moonsuk, Class of 2019 (Biomedical Engineering at King’s College London)

NLCS Jeju is quite a special place for me, even though I was only there for Sixth Form. I appreciate everything NLCS Jeju has done for me.

Hanjun, Class of 2019 (BSc Human Sciences – University College London)

동문회 연락처
