학교에 일상적인 업무는 교장선생님의 하에 결정하에 진행되지만, 학교에 대한 지원 및 조언은 경영위원회를 중심으로 이루어 집니다.
학교 운영의 전반적인 전략, 교육 일정 및 재정 관리에 있어 경영위원회는 매우 중요한 역할을 합니다. 경영위원회는 영국, 미국, 한국 국적을 지닌 전문 운영 위원들로 구성되어 있습니다. 경영위원회는 교육 분야 및 관련 산업에 대한 다양한 경험과 전문성을 지닌 위원들을 바탕으로 학교에 대한 전폭적인 지원을 제공합니다.
Chair of Governors
Helen Stone was educated at NLCS, where she was Head Girl, before going on to Birmingham University to study Civil Engineering. Thereafter she entered the construction industry, gained Chartered status and worked for WS Atkins for over 20 years. In 1991 she became only the 3rd female Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers and the first in 19 years. She worked on a wide range of projects including the Channel Tunnel, motorways and petrochemical plants, whilst also representing British engineering on the international stage in Moscow and Beijing. She was a governor at Cheltenham Ladies’ College for 9 years before serving as the Chair of Governors at NLCS for 10 years.
Josh Herlihy is a business leader with extensive international commercial experience across a range of geographic and product sectors. He is a graduate of Oxford University. He worked for Unilever for 15 years in both the UK and overseas in a variety of commercial roles. His career continued in the Body Shop as General Manager Global Sales, Finance and Franchising. From the Body Shop, he moved to Eurostar as Executive Commercial Director. For the past 5 years, Josh has been Chairman and co-founder of Clarity Search Limited, a high profile and successful headhunting business focusing on the Retail and Consumer sectors.
Sally James was educated at NLCS and is a graduate of the University of Sussex and of the University of Chicago Law School. Sally has practised law in England and the United States and has extensive experience in international finance. She concluded her executive career as General Counsel for Europe, Middle East & Africa for UBS Investment Bank. From 1998 to 2001 Sally was bursar and fellow of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Since 2010 she has held a variety of non-executive director roles in the private sector. These include UBS Limited, Bank of America Europe, Moneysupermarkets plc, Rotork plc and Hemes Investment In the public sector she has served at board level for Barts and the London NHS Trust, the University of Sussex and the Legal Education Foundation.
JDC 재직 기간 동안 제주글로벌교육도시 마스터플랜 수립, 프리미엄 국제학교 유치, 제주국제자유도시를 위한 여러 메가 프로젝트 투자유치 등을 총괄했으며, 제주도 공공위원회 위원장으로서 제주도의 지속적인 발전을 도모하신 바 있습니다.
Bongsoo Son is the Chief Executive of the school operating entity that manages international schools. He is a graduate of Konkuk University where he majored in law. He is one of the founding members of JDC, a public enterprise established by the central government of Korea with the purpose of developing Jeju into a free international city.
He joined JDC the year it was founded in 2002 and has served in several key positions within the company for over 20 years. For four years, starting from 2013, he served as Head of Education City Department of JDC that oversees the Global Education City where the international schools are located, and then for over four years as Head of Planning and Coordination that manages JDC’s budget, organisation, and business plans, etc.
Currently he serves as CEO of the school operating entity JEINS (a subsidiary of JDC), that manages three international schools (NLCS Jeju, BHA, and SJA Jeju) within the Global Education City.
김지윤 경영위원님은 학부시절 성신여대에서 피아노를 전공한 뒤, 동 대학에서 교육학 석사 학위를 취득하여 중등교사자격증을 보유하고 계십니다. 카네기 멜론 대학교에서 달크로즈 교수법(Dalcroze Eurhythmics)에 대한 음악 교육 과정을 수료하고, 보스톤 콘서바토리 음악대학에서 예술교육 연수를 받은 바 있습니다. 피아니스트이자 교육가로서 자연스럽게 교사가 되었고, 15년간 교직에서 근무하며 수많은 콘서트를 통해 학생들을 지도하셨습니다. 게다가 읽기와 관련하여 교육 자격을 획득하여 교육 상담으로 활동 분야를 넓히고 계십니다.
She continuously participated in public and private volunteering programs and regularly sponsored various organisations which are: – WWF Korea, Good Neighbors, Isidore Hospice and institutions for people with disabilities, childcare facilities. Jiyun continues to work through non-profit organisations to protect the marine environment in Jeju.
2016년부터 NLCS Jeju 재학생 학부모로서 학교 공동체 일원으로 지금까지 함께하고 계십니다.