I am passionate about the three pillars of an NLCS education.
First and foremost students should enjoy waking up each day and coming to our school. This is achieved by knowing each student well, understanding what they like and what they don’t like, what they are good at and what they need to improve on. Taking time to notice how our students feel day-to-day is one of the most important aspects of an NLCS education. As one of our previous headmistresses said, ‘every child matters.’

Once we have created a happy and safe place for our students, we can then be ambitious and aspiring in our expectations of them and for them. Not placing limits on what our students can achieve and positively encouraging them to aim high allows them to get the fantastic results and college destinations our students aspire to and achieve. We create ‘floors not ceilings’, where all students can develop their academic passions.
Alongside this academic ethos, in which scholarship and a love of learning thrive, we also encourage and provide opportunities for our students beyond the classroom. Our enrichment and co-curricular programme provides a wonderful mix of possibilities, where they can engage with their passions beyond the classroom. Whether it be music, drama, art, sport or continuing their academic enrichment through membership of the academic societies; they have the chance to build a rich and exciting profile, which provides an outstanding base for college and university applications as well as being fun and inclusive for all.
The day and boarding environment offered at NLCS Jeju provides the perfect environment for them to prepare for their lives beyond school, when they can independently embrace the world and be successful in whatever branch of life they choose to enter. Boarding is particularly good at doing this and allows students to build the resilience and skills required to be successful and independent.
I hope that all students, parents and staff are excited to be a part of our wonderful community. Frequent, reassuring and supportive communication between all of these groups is essential for us to get the best out of everyone. I encourage you as parents to communicate with us and ensure we understand how you feel about our amazing school. In this way we can all get the very best out of each other and see even more successes as we grow and develop.
All the best,