Pastoral Care
Within the Senior School students have a tight structure of support, from their Tutor, who they meet each morning, their class teachers and their Head of House teams – for those in boarding this extends to a large pastoral boarding team.
From the start there is a detailed and thorough induction process, with a successful buddying programme.
Students have access to a team of Emotional Guidance Counsellors who are available to talk through any of the concerns or worries the students may have.
Support is tailored to the needs of the students as they navigate through their studies and adolescence, with advice and guidance focused at the time of need.
“Positive relationships drive the success of every school and of every child’s achievement. All of our staff engage with and are committed to Pastoral Care, which flows through our NLCS Jeju Houses and Homes and ensures that we meet all of our student’s needs.“
Crispian Waterman
Vice Principal (Pastoral)