We are a school that prides itself on the ambitious education we deliver. In part, this is due to the inspiration we draw from our mother school, NLCS UK and the important bond that has developed between the two institutions.
As the school has grown and developed, it is inevitable that we have carved out our own identity and we are proud of how this is reflected in our own aims which, whilst rooted in the pioneering work of NLCS UK, have been adjusted to fit our own sense of what makes for a world class, holistic, international education in Korea.
The Strategic Plan 2020-26
The Strategic Plan for North London Collegiate School Jeju sets out seven overarching goals that provide a broad framework centered around our Three Pillars which are an integral part of our aims and objectives.
Junior School
- An awakening of a love of learning through the challenge, pace and structure of lessons provided by inspirational teaching
- For the use of a range of assessment data to track and measure the impact on learning of challenging teaching
Additional from 2022
- Ensure that a student’s academic journey through the Junior School meets the expectations of an ambitious school through providing an outstanding transition to the Senior School across the curriculum
Senior School
- Appropriate pace, challenge and structure especially, but not limited to, KS3 lessons (including improving students’ academic English)
- A more collaborative and cohesive academic transition from KS2 to KS3
- Increased opportunities for taught enrichment, and from 2021 with improved consistency and quality
- Best use of the Library as a resource to enhance students’ learning
Additional from 2021
- The quality and consistency of feedback given to students to enhance learning
Additional from 2022
- Greater sharing of good practice within and between departments to develop teachers professionally and impact on the quality of teaching and learning
Junior School Priorities
- Use research and data to monitor the link between wellbeing and student progress
- Provide a new tutor programme that supports the wellbeing of every child
- Implement a positive and restorative behaviour culture throughout the JS, creating a supportive environment for all students
- Raise standards of pastoral monitoring through greater connectivity of departments
- Continue to implement the learning habits across the curriculum, to underpin our values based education
Senior School Priorities
- The consolidation of best practice and existing initiatives as well as evaluations to ensure change enacted to provide for effective pastoral systems in place for day and boarding students
- Embedding a child-centred approach to decision making in the School
- Ensure positive associations and pride typify feelings generated by being a member of the School and sub-groupings, eg. House
- Establishing consistent high standards of tutoring
- The development and strengthening of wellbeing culture
- Exceptional outside and indoor break-out spaces and facilities for wellbeing and effective relationships
- A review of pastoral structures to follow the separation of House from boarding (added 2021) and to support further the pastoral experience of all students (both day and boarding students) and to ensure more effective links between the residential and day experiences of a boarder (added 2022)
Whole School Priorities
- Provide the highest quality of CCA and Bryant activities across the School with exceptional opportunities offered
- Improve the balance and overall quality of the Trips and Visits programme across the School and enhance the curriculum and opportunities available
- Improve the overall quality of the sports programme
- Further improve the quality and level of opportunity for the service programmes throughout the School to take in to account the demands placed on existing provision by the growth of the school
Whole School Priorities
- Ensure the Professional Development Programme targets identified key priority areas
- Enhance and develop senior and middle leadership of the whole school
- Enhance and develop student leadership
- Develop governance by the NLCS Jeju Board of Governors and Partner JDC/JEINS to be in line with best practice and meet the accreditation standards of CIS and COBIS for effective governance
Additional from 2021
- Ensure there is effective strategic leadership and management of the pastoral teams in day and boarding.
Additional from 2022
- Ensure there is support to enable the incoming Vice Principal academic to provide effective strategic leadership and management of the to further promote and develop teaching and learning and academic teams in celebrating and sharing the best practice in the School
- Ensure the leadership team establishes a strategy for listening to the ideas and perspectives of staff and of students; they consider how these perspectives will be used to inform future actions that they take, and how they feedback to students and staff on how their ideas have helped to shape new initiatives
Whole School Priorities
- Implement an ongoing programme of campus development to meet the School’s changing needs and enrolment
- Implement an IT strategy that supports our priorities academically, pastorally and for safeguarding
- Implement and complete the strategy to July 201 e boarding strategy to ensure high quality boarding provision and grow boarding numbers ( old strategy completed and new strategy under new structure from August 2021)
- Ensure Marketing and Communications enhances the reputation of NLCS Jeju and supports the admission and retention of students
- Develop quality Admissions Procedures and Policies to ensure the calibre of students enrolled is in line with NLCS Jeju expectationsDevelop effective Parent Relations to support our current parent body and in the future.
- Ensure that Safeguarding is central to NLCS Jeju and our policies and procedures are exemplary
Whole School Priorities
- Celebrate and develop internationalism and global networking
- Commemorate the tenth Year of NLCS Jeju here in South Korea and on the world stage ( completed)
- Enhance community (stakeholder)cohesion and from 2022 with greater emphasis on celebrating diversity
- Develop the ONLJ Alumni network to support the School and its students and to inform global communities of the contributions made by alumni to the wider world
Additional from 2021
- Link the work of the various environmental and ecological initiatives into a coherent strategy for NLCS Jeju and ensure it is part of all aspects of the development of NLCS Jeju
Additional from 2022
- Develop mechanisms to ensure that all parents feel involved in the life of the school and that there is a clear understanding of the work of the school in supporting students.
- Build on initial work with Diversity, Equity and Inclusion to formulate and implement a new strategy for NLCS Jeju
Whole School Priorities
- Develop a whole school approach to excellence in the Arts and the growth of creativity in all areas
- Ensure all students have experience of working in the Arts at the highest levels through collaboration with professionals
- Ensure the Performing Arts Centre is host to a variety of experiences involving students and a wider audience
- Develop more effective communication skills and confidence in presenting through a variety of channels
To meet these priorities for the School Development Plan, there are a number of strategies employed and the progress towards these is monitored throughout each year of the SDP. The priorities are also reflected in the departmental development plans (DDPs) across the School.